[Javascript Data Structure and Algorithms] Exercise 1. Big-O Notation


Calculate the time complexities for each of the exercise code snippets


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3



Exercise 4



Exercise 5



Exercise 5



  1. O(n²)
    There are two nested loops. Ignore the constants in front of n.
  2. O(n³)
    There are four nested loops, but the last loop runs only until 10.
  3. O(1)
    Constant complexity. The function runs from 0 to 1000. This does not depend on n.
  4. O(n)
    Linear complexity. The function runs from 0 to 10n. Constants are ignored in Big-O
  5. O(log₂n)
    Logarithmic complexity. For a given n, this will operate only log₂n times because i is incremented by multiplying by 2 rather than adding 1 as in the other examples.
  6. O(∞)
    Infinite loop. This function will not end

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