[SASS] What is SASS?

If you had worked or studied React, Angular, and vue js, you would know SASS though you didn't know it really well.

In this post, I will introduce of SASS!


1. What Is SASS and How Does It Work?

SASS is a css processor, an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language.


2. Features

  • Variables: for reusable values such as font-size, colour spacing, and etc.
  • Nesting: to nest selectors inside of one another, allowing us to write less code
  • Operators: for mathematical operators right inside of CSS3
  • Partials and Imports: to write css in different files and importing them all into one single file.
  • Mixins: to write reusable pieces of css code
  • Functions: similar to mixins, withe the different that they produce a value that can than be used
  • Extends: to make different selectors inherit declarations that are common to all of them
  • Control Directives: for writing complex code using conditionals and loops



SASS: looks like CSS, don't use {}
SCSS: looks like JS, use {}

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